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                  On March 23, Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order calling for Oregonians to stay home, closing specific retail businesses, and requiring social distancing in most cases, immediately and until further notice. Social gatherings with people from outside of your household are not allowed until further notice.

                  COVID-19 Updates and Information


                  Trending Events

                  University Housing-Becoming a Duck

                  9/4 2pm

                  Get information on what to expect for the move-in process, including what to bring (and what not to bring). This session will also include a brief overview...

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                  Fraternity and Sorority Life

                  8/21 3:30pm

                  Fraternities and sororities are values-based organizations that focus on the development of leadership, scholarship, brotherhood and sisterhood, service, and...

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                  8/7 10:30am

                  Learn about what it looks like to live on campus, including student expectations. There will also be a brief overview of the room selection process. Any...

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                  8/21 12:15pm

                  Global Education Oregon (GEO) offers more than 300 academic programs and internships in over 90 countries that thrill, challenge, and inform. Whether you...

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                  8/7 2pm
                  老张的技术博客:2021-3-2 · 前言 看见好多人搭建网站需要虚拟主机,但是网上免费的要么不稳定,搞得三天两头数据丢失。要么盗窃用户数据,但是收费的又不划算,不够自己搭建其他网站使用,所伍今天教大家如何用服务器 …

                  The University of Oregon is committed to ensuring that all Ducks are career ready when they graduate. During this session, staff from the University Career...

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                  Erb Memorial Union (EMU) Programs

                  8/14 3:15pm

                  【6.18特惠】三优云:圣何塞CN2、香港CN2,2核/1G内存 ...:今天 · 三优云(uuuvps)是香港三优网络公司旗下的云计算服务平台,本次6.18年中活动:美西圣何塞CN2线路、香港CN2线路均有年付特价活动,全场常规产品一律85折,商家承诺绝不超售,适合个人建站,活动时间6月18日-6月28日。

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                  COVID Safety and You!

                  8/28 12pm
                  VPS搭SSR教程|搭梯子|每个人都需要个通往外面世界的梯子 ...:2021-11-2 · 连接SSR 打开ShadowsocksR.exe 我叫你截图的信息,对着填下去就可伍了 最后一部就是设置你的SSR的伋理模式,在电脑的右下角里右键找到图片中的选项,勾上就好了! 如果没有意外的话,你就成功搭好梯子了。到外面的世界吧!

                  ShadowsocksR客户端 各种隐藏使用技巧说明 - 外贸SOHO笔记:2021-12-26 · ShadowsocksR客户端 各种隐藏使用技巧说明 怒马 发布于 2021-12-26 分类:建站 阅读(59) 评论(0) 服务器安装好ShadowsocksR后, 就是通过电脑连接进行测试了.ShadowsocksR客户端的使用比较简单, 直接添加服务器, 选择下系统伋理模式就可伍使用 ...

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                  Faculty Perspective- Innovation &...

                  8/6 4:30pm

                  Study start-ups and business models to generate bold answers for some of society's hardest questions.

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                  8/7 12:15pm

                  Hear from the Dean of Students and staff from the University Counseling Center on ways you can best support your new Duck from afar. You'll hear about common...

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                  Center for Student Involvement

                  8/7 3:30pm

                  Learn about ways to connect with other students through events and student organizations. Find out about fun safe ways to build your campus community.

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                  Flock Meeting 7

                  8/17 8am

                  Flock meetings will take place on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday throughout the day based on the availability you submit during IntroDUCKtion registration....

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                  Flock Meeting 5

                  8/3 8am

                  Flock meetings will take place on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday throughout the day based on the availability you submit during IntroDUCKtion registration....

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                  Flock Meeting 6

                  8/10 8am

                  Flock meetings will take place on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday throughout the day based on the availability you submit during IntroDUCKtion registration....

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                  8/24 8am

                  Flock meetings will take place on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday throughout the day based on the availability you submit during IntroDUCKtion registration....

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                  Transfer Student Hangout 3: A Virtual Eugene Tour

                  9/12 4pm

                  For our final transfer student hangout, we will be hearing each of the Transfer Team’s favorite campus and Eugene spots! Come get a sneak peek at your new...

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                  Racing to Change: Oregon's Civil Rights...

                  8/5 11am
                  Museum of Natural and Cultural History  

                  Beginning August 5, the museum will be open Wednesdays through Sundays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. In accordance with university and state public health...

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                  Faculty Perspective- Anti-Racism Track

                  8/6 12pm

                  If anything is certain in these very uncertain times, it’s that racism exists in our society. How can we acknowledge our past and present of power...

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                  Faculty Perspective- Engaged Humanities Track

                  8/6 3pm

                  SSR搭建教程 | Sui Xin's Blog:2021-11-16 · 使用对应内核的加速。 SSR客户端下载 Windows客户端:下载地址 Mac客户端:下载地址 安卓客户端:下载地址 iPhone客户端:在线安装地址 安装好之后在软件中输入部署 SSR 时设置的信息即可成功登录。若忘记了自己的配置信息可重新运行 ./ 参考

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                  8/13 10:30am

                  Our communities have been shaken by the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Engage with world-renowned UO researchers to explore the impact of COVID-19 on...

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                  Faculty Perspective- Anti-Racism Track

                  8/13 12pm

                  If anything is certain in these very uncertain times, it’s that racism exists in our society. How can we acknowledge our past and present of power...

                  锐速加速ssrI'm Interested